Hey guys,

Here's the first of what may be many (let's hope not) makeup mishap (since I can be a little accident prone) posts.

As I was getting ready this morning, I dropped my Laura Mercier Secret Brightening Powder all over (melodramatic much???) the dining room rug and floor. Fortunately, I still have about 6 to 7 months of product left. 

Have you had an makeup mishaps recently?

Looking gorgeous one lipstick at a time.


  1. I have makeup accidents on the daily... >< I am such a clutz!

  2. I would have cried! LOL! I'm very careful with my makeup, I've ruined many things, but never makeup.. My dressing table area is like some clean organised oasis in my extrememly messy room.

    1. I think I shed a tear or two...I definitely know there were so curse words flying around. Luckily, the container come with a lot of product.

      Normally, I'm very good with my products, but I happened to be an a rush that day and you know the rest :)

  3. Ohh noo! :( I would've been so upset too!

  4. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you XD
